Stop stigma. Find connection.
Recovery is connection. Build connection & support with our welcoming and affirming treatment programs.
Stop stigma. Find community.
No one has to be alone. Find your community at one of our ongoing support groups.
Support groups do not meet when Equitas Health is closed. Click here for closures.
A trans and gender non-confirming peer support for folks ages 18 and over in gender-affirming medical and/or social transition or thinking about transition.
If you are under 18 and looking for support, please visit
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
An open online meet and chat group for BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) trans men. Group-led topics and discussion. A chill space to talk with dudes about ANYTHING.
Check our Facebook page for meeting ID on Thursdays.
Support for BIPOC Trans, Non-Binary, and Non-Conforming people. We encourage community building and inspiration. You’re invited to share personal experiences with each other.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
A private, safe space geared toward BIPOC trans folx, but open to all trans, gender-nonconforming, and non-binary people.
Contact the Translation facilitators:
Michael at
Lashayy at
Living Positively
Open groups offering support, encouragement, and dialogue for those living with HIV/AIDS, including people who are newly diagnosed, living undetectable, and long-term survivors.
Click the day and time for login information.
Support groups do not meet when Equitas Health is closed. Click here for closures.
A discussion group for people living with HIV/AIDS.
IN PERSON: 750 E. Long St., Columbus, OH 43203 – First Floor
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
POZitive Attitudes group: offered in partnership with the Dayton LGBT Center.
Positive Sisterhood
Find community and sisterhood in this support group for Black and Brown women living with HIV.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
Support, empowerment and advocacy for black women living with HIV, providing a space to share experiences.
3rd THU | 6 – 7:30 PM
Email or text for meeting information:
(937) 471-1999
Sassy Sistas Group
Sassy Poz Sistas Group is a support group for women living with HIV. We laugh, share, and show up for one another.
Meets at: YWCA of Youngstown, 25 Rayne Ave, Youngstown, Oh 44503
For people living with HIV seeking support
Equitas Health
636 W. Exchange St.
Akron, OH 44302
Support groups do not meet when Equitas Health is closed. Click here for closures.
Virtual social gatherings and health workshops for Black & minority men from Northeastern Ohio who identify as gay, bi, or bi-curious.
Times vary. Learn more.
Virtual social gatherings and health workshops for same gender loving men of color.
Times vary. Learn more.
Virtual social gatherings and health workshops for gay, bisexual, and transgender men ages 18-29.
Times vary. Learn more.
Support groups do not meet when Equitas Health is closed. Click here for closures.
Weekdays | 9 AM – 5 PM
The Buckeye Region Anti-Violence Organization (BRAVO) provides comprehensive individual and community programs for survivor advocacy and support to LGBTQI survivors of hate and bias violence, discrimination, intimate partner violence, stalking, and/or sexual assault.
Call or live chat with BRAVO at
Together, we can start healing.
1st MON | 6 PM | ONLINE
Connect with people who understand in a support group for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide.
Please join from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Meeting password: care4all
Support groups do not meet when Equitas Health is closed. Click here for closures.
1st and 3rd TUE | 6 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
2nd and 4th MON | 6 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
1st THU | 6:30 – 7:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3766 0247
Passcode: care4all
3rd THU | 6 PM | ONLINE
You are not alone. Find a caring community and vital resources in this support group for queer youth.
This group is for patients of Equitas Health.